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Home Beauty Salon

I decided to create my own little beauty salon to my home. 

I used dry shampoo this morning because we had to run errands and I didn't have time to wash my hair. I do not understand how dry shampoos work. I must be using them wrong... sigh

I took a shower when we got back and I decided to go all out. I used a variety of products which I do not use on a daily basis. I neglect body scrubs, moisturizing, hair masks and such. I only use them maybe 1-2 times in a half a year. I do facial scrubs and masks way more often though.

Because I used a dry shampoo this morning, I had to use Nivea's Classic Care shampoo instead of the Urtekram one I've been using. The Urtekram shampoo does not wash off the dry shampoo residues. I've used the Nivea shampoo many times when I've visited my friends in Germany, but then they didn't sell Nivea shampoos in this country. They do now, but they only have some shine enhancing shampoos and volumizing shampoos. But I found the basic Classic care from one tiny store. My boyfriend really likes this so I have a back up. I've used 2 or 3 shampoos while he's been using this one shampoo... that's the difference with having long and short hair...

I used XZ's Hawthorn conditioner, which isn't conditioning enough. It is for color-treated hair, but I really do not understand how people who DO color their hair (I don't) use this, because it is not conditioning enough for me even. It smells nice, but scents do not stay in my hair so I only smell it when I'm in the shower. I love the Hawthorn shampoo though!

I continued with a hair mask for damaged hair by Sunsilk. It's the orange tub for the damage reconstruction program. I used two teaspoonfulls. I kept this in my hair for the rest of the shower. Baaah I forgot to take a picture of it...

I used Perfect Clean Glow face scrub by L'Oreal. I loooove the cleanPod that came with this. I use it nearly daily. I had a second one, but it got lost when we moved. Unfortunately they are not sold by themselves. You actually have to buy these products to get the cleanPod... :S This scrub smells like delicious oranges! It just foams too much so I can only use this in the shower. I hate foamy face washes. I can use them while in the shower, but not if I'm washing my face by the sink.

Then I continued with Raspberry Body Scrub for normal skin by The Body Shop. I used a revitilizing foot scrub in lemon & sage by Freeman (picture above). Looove the smell of both. The bad thing about the body scrub is that it's dark red, and makes your shower look like somehting bad happened in there. I'm quite messy so there was red spots all over the wall and shower curtain...

I rinsed off the hair mask, dried myself and used the Blueberry Body Butter for dry skin by The Body Shop. It's my favorite one of theirs. The Satsuma Body Butter is the latest one I finished, and that is sooooo delicious!!! I sprayed some leave-in conditioner by Garnier Fructis, Nutri-Repair for dried out, damaged hair. It's not very conditioning either, but it smells nice for a while... the product is in two phases in the bottle, you need to shake it before spraying it on your hair.

I used a revitilizing foot balm in lemon & sage by Freeman for my feet. I wouldn't have bought this unless it said "IDEAL for diabetic foot care". I just had to see what is up with that. So far, nothing special... just a plain foot cream/gel. I hate the packaging for the Freeman foot products. When the bottle is new and there's a lot of product it's fine. But when you've used about half of it, the rest of the product is really difficult to get out. You need to squeeze so hard that the bottle is very misshaped, but you get no product out.

At this point my face was screaming for a moisturizer so I put that on. And I forgot the toner. I bought this moisturizer yesterday and this morning after using it only once, by face was very evencolored! It's the hydrating day cream by Rainbow. I hate the bottle though. Or I don't hate it, the pump is weird. I put on some eyecream by Pirkka. I'm very generous with eyecreams. I put them under my eye, and on my eyelids. This Pirkka one is too creamy though. My eyelids are always very oily afterwards, and I need to wipe them clean if I want to do my makeup afterwards. Which is why I use this eye cream normally at night only. And then use my daily moisturizer as an eyecream. I just put the moisturizer on my face first, and then put the lefovers on my eye area.

 If you would like for me to do a more in depth-review of any of the products, feel free to request it in the comment box.

What does your home beauty salon consist of?