Tutorial - Pink Punk

This is the second tutorial for this blog. A great look for going out with your friends.

I only used a white shimmery eye shadow, a black eye shadow and a hot pink eye shadow that has some blueish and purplish in it.

The pink I used looks better when applied with a moist brush. I concentrated the pink to the outer and inner corners, but I put a little in the middle of the eye lid. I also extended the pink over the crease. With a blending brush I added the white shimmery eye shadow. I blended them together so that there would not be any harsh lines. I added a tiny, tiny amount of the shimmery white to the middle of the lid on top of the pink. Remember to blend it in as well.
Take any liquid/gel/cake eye liner you have in black and apply that only to the top lid. Make sure the line is really thin in the inner corner and then more wide in the outer corner. A winged line works as well.
Apply some black eye shadow to the outer corner of your eye and then blend it out to the crease. As you can see from the picture above, I extended the black eye shadow on the lid to touch the eye liner a bit more. It creates like a C that is being pulled horizontally. I think that's like the best explanation I can give you. :D If you want you can add some of the black eye shadow the the lower lash line, about 2/3 from the outer corner to the inner corner.

This does look a little different than my profile picture. However I think this is a better version than the previous one. The first might look better from that angle, but this slightly modified version looks better from the front point of view. Small difference, but still big enough to notice, well I noticed a difference...

Finalize the look by adding some black mascara.

Voíla, you are done with the look. :D
Possible eye shadows you can use for this look:

- Passionate by MAC
- 279 purple pink (duocrome) by Artdeco
- Cheerleader by Makeup Store

White shimmer:
- Satin by Makeup Store
- White Frost by MAC
Basically any white shimmery eye shadow that works as a highlight

- Black tied or Carbon by MAC
Any black eye shadow with or without shimmer is fine.

Tutorial - Emerald Eyes

Emerald Eyes will be my first tutorial.

I have thought about how I would do these tutorials and I decided that I will not write which products I have used. I will only describe the colors, shades and application if application differs a lot from "the usual". I will be posting examples by MAC, NYX, Ben Nye, Joe Blasco, Artdeco and possibly some others and then you will be able to see the shades, compare them and continue from there with your own makeup, or then use one of the example shadows I mention.

The reason behind this is that I know not everyone has the same products. If I just give examples of suitable eye shadows then everyone can use what they have or go buy one that they feel is a better shade for them.

First I put some eye shadow primer on my eye lids and under my brows. I also shaped and filled in my brows. There are so many out there. Use what you have and what works for you. Urban Decay Primer Potion, MAC painterly paint pot, foundations, Artdeco Eye Shadow Base and the list can go on and on.

After the primer I put some matte, medium brown eye shadow on the whole lid.

Then I took the green eye shadow with metallic shimmer and put it on most of my lid. I left the outmost corner without the green because I will put some matte brown there and in the crease and I wanted that part to have as little metallic shimmer as possible.

These are good possible eye shadows shades for this look:
-MAC: Greensmoke and Humid mix
-Artdeco: 40 pearly medium pine green, 250 late spring green (duocrome), 49 shiny moss green, 50 deep grey olive, 51 grass green, 52 green jewel (49-52 are Eye Designers)
-NYX: ES30A Hunter green (metallic), ES28 Green tea (frosty)

So go check out the colors and use one which you think looks best.

I took the same matt medium brown and used that in my outer corner and in the crease. I used a shimmery white as my highlight. Also I added some of the green eye shadow on my lower lashline, about 2/3 from the outer corner towards the inner corner. I put the same white shimmer to the inner corner by my lower lashes.
Any black eye liner pencil works for this. Add some black mascara and then the look is done.

Remember to blend all green and brown together on the lid and crease. Especially remember to blend the green line in the inner part of your eye lid. I did not do it in these pictures so there is a harsh line as you can see in the pictures above and below. I did it after I took these pictures so no worries! :D
I hope you like this look!

Any questions?

Hair success and celebration

Until last Saturday I only had had hair dryers. Then I went and bought a hair curler. For long I had been looking at different flat irons and curling irons but I was not sure which one I should get. My first plan was to get a hair curler that opens up as a flat iron when wanted. I could not find one which would not cost too much money and still be of good quality.

I started having second thoughts when I really thought about my hair and how easily it curls or does not curl. My hair is naturally completely straight. If I have had my hair up in a bun for several hours then my hair gets slightly, and only slightly wavy. Honestly, I don't need a flat iron. It would be a waste of money for me to get something that I will never use.

After this realization I started looking at curling irons. To my surprise, or not, I picked one that matches my toaster. It is made by the same brand and dark red just happens to be my favorite color. Plus it was somewhat cheap.

My hair is not thick and after reading the instructions I decided that the lowest temperature would be good for my hair. The two lowest temperatures are for thin and dyed hair. I have not dyed my hair in ages (since 2005), but it is quite thin.

I started curling my hair and all the curls would immediately disappear after I separated my hair from the curling iron. I decided to try the iron some other time and with a higher temperature.

Today was my brother's graduation and I decided to doll up a little, which means that I would actually do something with my hair. I increased the temperature to the middle temperature, (because it has 5 temperatures) which is for normal hair. Still nothing. Well, that's not exactly true. I got the curls. But I had decided to put hair spray on my curled hair after I had curled all of my hair. That was a mistake. Once I was done curling all of my hair all the curls had disappeared, again. So I went to my brother's graduation with straight hair.

Then after the graduation party I came home and decided to try to curl my hair the second time during the same day. I could not give up this easily, but I was utterly frustrated with my hair to begin with and had started to think about a good price that I could ask when I sell this curling iron.

This time I kept the same temperature but right after I had done one curl I sprayed it with hair spray and now I succeeded! I was so excited! I finally got curls in my hair. And now 1.5h later when I am writing this, my hair is still curly!

The curled hair!

I did not try to make it all clean curls or anything. The curls in that picture are not perfect. I only wanted to get my hair curly, without worrying how neat it looks. I will learn that later. My goal for today was to just get my hair to curl!

Because it was my brother's graduation party today, I wanted to do a reasonably clean makeup. That means no crazy colors!

First I put on a primer that I got yesterday. I had not used that primer before and I can say I will buy it again.

Then I put some pearly lemonlike yellow on the lid. Then I used a burgundy color in the outer corner and in the crease.

I love my black cake eye liner. It is the kind you mix with water. After the eyeliner I put black mascara on my top and bottom lashes. I lined my lower lash line with a dark brown eyeshadow, about 2/3 from the outer corner towards the inner corner.

This is one of my everyday makeup looks and because of the burgundy, my green eyes really pop out and the green is enhanced.

Searching For Jenny

I went out wit HuiKuen & her housemates yesterday night.

HuiKuen suddenly passed me her phone halfway through the movie

then i saw this : "Where are you now?! Ur mum is looking for you!"

i saw the sender number afterwards, it's from Mr.Shuai
(i wondered how he knew my classmate's phone number)

I started to feel quite worried as my phone was out of battery

it was already around twelve o'clock,
and my mum had never called me at midnite

after the movie another classmate of mine, XiaoHui, called HuiKuen,told me that my mum was looking for me

then HuiKuen said there was missed calls from CaiYu also

so i called my mum immediately, asked her why she was finding me so urgently

then she said: "I called to ur hostel then your housemates said u haven't back from school yet, so i called to ur handphone but i couldn't get you. Nothing urgent, just want to ask you where are you. I am going to bed... *yawn*... "


I asked ZhiQi & called Mr.Shuai when i got home.

The thing happened like this, ZhiQi felt a bit worry as I was not home yet by eight o' clock, so she called to ah shuai. Then Mr.Shuai smsed to all my classmates and asked them my whereabout. (our phone contacts were accidentally exchanged as i inserted my sim card into his phone last time, that was why he got all my classmates contact number) Then ZhiQi even went to school library to search for me bcoz i told ah shuai i was at the library in the afternoon, while Mr.Shuai bombed my phone with "numerous" messages & missed calls = =''

Even AiLing also asked what happened to me last nite. OMG

I am extremely sorry and I want to apologize here as I should tell ZhiQi earlier that i wil be late to be home b4 my phone run out of battery... But i has never expected that you all will searching high and low for me as I am just... ermmmm *a bit late* for going home. LOL

Sorry to my classmates too.

I assure that i will "try my best" not to bring a low battery phone and go out again,not even once =X

Mascara guard

I do not understand my luck. This is just plain weird. I have taken part in three giveaways, I mean blog giveaways, and I have won each time. I took part in a giveaway a while ago and guess what. I won! :D It's so exciting! It was Nea/Fashioned in Finland's giveaway.

I got a mascara guard. It looks like this. She got it from Hong Kong, as you can see from the picture all the text is in Chinese.. I do not know how to read it, but I don't really need to.

Thank you for the mascara guard!

If you get mascara on your lids when you are about to apply it, you just put this close to your lashes (upper or lower depending where you want to apply it) and then put on mascara. Simple. And that way no mascara gets on your eye lids and your eye shadow wont get messed up. ;)

I have found one mascara which has a brush that I really can work with, some brushes are too small and some are too big so they get messy. This is very useful when used with that kind of mascaras.

It also has the lash separator-things on the other end as you can see from the picture.

I don't know where you can get these. From Hong Kong of course, but where else I don't know.

Other tricks to avoid getting mascara on your lids is using a business card or your finger close to your lashes, so then the excess mascara will go on the business card or your finger.






是怎樣,我們沒有分手啊 = =

應該是我家MR. SHUAI的comment讓人大誤了吧,對不起~









彭伶敏,生日快樂啦~~~ 【大愛】

我真的很希望你總有一天會來MMU陪我~~~!!!IT IS TRUE!!!


我真的很希望...希望...嗯,我對你沒有什麽期望。唉. . . . . .

好啦,我去睡了~ 【累】


17:53 ❤ 煩悶的下午做的閃圖。

剛才看到了茱陪的MSN名字....【小陸*大米說:要小心男人。】 PS:贊同。



大概凌晨一點多 ❤ 和他在MSN偶遇




*click on it to enlarge*

PS: babei in cantonese = 囂張

現在看到還是覺得很爆笑【噗】 哈哈哈哈哈哈


你還是很容易就能夠讓我笑了 =)

Crying Like A Child

今天我一個人 哭了好久好久




我坐的位子是單人座位 所以我把臉別向窗的方向

然後開始哭了起來 久久不能自己

儘管整個巴士靜得我只聽得見我的啜泣聲 亦沒有人發現我哭了

我們三個還是要開開心心的過下去. . .


以前的那個他找不回來了,我已經看開了. . .”









Mid Autumn Festival




然後一車5人就浩浩蕩蕩來到了PASIR GUDANG的港口,看到了. . . . . .

鏘鏘鏘鏘~ MV DOULOS.忠仆號。





me & YenJou at the entrance of MV DOULOS

YenJou and HaoTing 神父!( ⊙ o ⊙ )!

Weee Weee~~~MingHui & camera-shy QiWen

*never camera-shy* me XD

the book exhibition

HaoTing greeted with a crew member enthusiastically








我:【驚+退後】HUH?! 【小小聲】晏柔,我們要遠離他~ ~ ~

明輝:不是什麽事情都可以用真理的嗎~nah take it as example huh,如果你看到你的女朋友在跟另外一個boy boy kiss,你會怎樣?





豪庭:【傻笑】. . . . . .

哈哈哈...好啦,其實豪庭是很虔誠的基督教徒。不要鬧他了 (╯□╰)


the only food pic【as i was so busy eating them】

【staring at me】我二哥's兒子,夢揚

【glaring】that's why i said children are monster, for me.
especially when they cry ><






而且我姐訂的還是VIP廂房,都滿了 = =

看到帳單的時候有點傻眼. . . RM 548.40. . . . . . 囧


我只能說,新山有錢人真是多。我二姐也是。我要向她看齊!!!~ ~ ~

【不要發夢了。醒來吧!蕾夢娜!!!~ ~ ~】