After I went shopping today I took my makeup off and decided to play a little.

I used a very dark brown eye shadow as the lid color on top of the eye shadow base, but underneath all the blue. I don't have a blue (well, the point is that it's a dark) eye shadow base, so I had to make up one.
I put black eye liner pencil to line my top lid. Only on the lashline, no wings or anything.
Then I took a dark blue with shimmer, maybe a little grayish blue, eye shadow and put that on the lower part of my eye lid. I blended it a little upwards. The black eye liner is covered also with this dark blue eye shadow. Try not to blend all of the blue, only the sharp edge that the blue created. So that the eye shadow is the strongest closest to the lashes.
To blend the dark blue even more I used a matte blue, a lighter shade on the top part of the lid and the crease.

I didn't want my eyes to look like they would be closer together than they are, so I put some off-white shimmer eye shadow to the inner corner and put some of that to the lower lash line as well. I used the darkest blue as a liner by my lower lashes. I used the same off-white shimmer as a highlight.
Now I put some of that black eye liner pencil to my upper and lower waterlines. Finishing the look with some black mascara after curling the eye lashes.
Now I put some of that black eye liner pencil to my upper and lower waterlines. Finishing the look with some black mascara after curling the eye lashes.
This is basically the same picture as the first one, just a little different set up with the camera..

If you want a cleaner look you can always add a little tape to go from the corner of your eye to your brows and then just add eye shadows. This way you get a clear line which you can blend out later. I didn't use the tape technique this time, but sometimes it's handy.
Whatever look you are doing it is always good to remember your eye brows! Especially if you wear glasses. People often think that if you wear glasses your eye brows are blocked by your glasses, but this is not true! If you have chosen glasses right, that they suit you and the shape of your face, your eye brows most likely will show. They will show. Period. So do not forget to fill in/clean/reshape your brows.. They frame your face and are very important. Remember that they look the most normal if they're close to the shade of your hair color.
Whatever look you are doing it is always good to remember your eye brows! Especially if you wear glasses. People often think that if you wear glasses your eye brows are blocked by your glasses, but this is not true! If you have chosen glasses right, that they suit you and the shape of your face, your eye brows most likely will show. They will show. Period. So do not forget to fill in/clean/reshape your brows.. They frame your face and are very important. Remember that they look the most normal if they're close to the shade of your hair color.