I saw
this post by Phyrra and I told her I'd do something like that on Tuesday, as in today.
I used
Jailhouse Jumpsuit by GDE and a matte pinkish red eyeshadow (nr. 545) by Grimas.

To the lower lash line I used GDE Dusk mixed with NYX trio eyeshadow Rock&Roll palettes gray eyeshadow. I guess I could've used a purple like Phyrra or just simply a black, but I wanted to use something else this time.

I lined my eyes with MUS black gel eyeliner.

Also the lower and upper waterlines (or tightline), whatever it is. What is it by the way?

I will fix the lower waterline before I leave... with a pencil eyeliner. So much better for that.

The lowest picture I took in natural light. The rest I took when I was standing by the window, but with a flash and the cuisine-program. The more closer it gets to summer the better the pictures turn out... :D Otherwise I'd with it would be a snowy winter for the whole year!
What do you think?