I lost my laptop & I felt like I lost my life without it. Okay I know it's quite exaggerating, but you will understand the agony and the pain that I will be going through for a lost laptop if you are also one of the victims of my house.
Two Toshiba laptops owned by my housemates Vikiy & EnMing, one Dell laptop owned by me, total up of three laptops were stolen from my apartment at Malacca last Tuesday :( The thief prised the door open and obviously the thief had simply entered and walked out from our apartment as bold as brass because nobody was at home during the time range when all of us went to class in the morning until 5pm I found that our laptops were missing. We speculate that it had been done by someone who is pretty familiar with our apartment, maybe the resident in our apartment area, yet it's merely our guesswork =/
Needless to say, I’m a little upset. The thing that is so frustrating about it is I lost all my precious data inside my lappie! All my music, important documents, and also tonnes of photos with great meaning to me are LOST!
Well, we reported this to the police although it seems to have no help at all. The police did come as a matter of form.
Now the safety of our apartment will be the only matter that makes me feel so worried and troubled. I just can't shake the feeling that someone is watching over me whenever I am in the house alone. Why? My housemates told me that something like this happened weeks ago before this incident. Someone pressed the doorbell of our apartment around 2am in the midnight, but my housemates couldn't find anyone at the door when they opened it. I told my mum about this, she said it was most probably done by the thief who was trying to check whether there was anyone around in our house. It sounds creepy right? During this moment even my hair also erect when I write about this, luckily now I can escape myself from there temporarily since I'm now at my hometown =X
I want to move out as soon as the end of May reaches! ARRRRGGGHHH
I want to move out as soon as the end of May reaches! ARRRRGGGHHH