In July I spent 3 weeks in Brighton, UK. I flew there without any shampoo or hair conditioner so that was the first thing on my shopping list. I was planning on leaving these there behind me, but I couldn't resist taking them back home cause they were so lovely!
Anything even minutely flavored with citrus scents gets me every time. I love citrus scents!
I got the Alberto Balsam shampoo and hair conditioner for normal/dry hair. It was mandarin flavored (and papaya).
Anything even minutely flavored with citrus scents gets me every time. I love citrus scents!
I got the Alberto Balsam shampoo and hair conditioner for normal/dry hair. It was mandarin flavored (and papaya).

Here's where it gets interesting! I always remember complaining on how I run out of shampoo long before hair conditioner... After using these products for about 5 weeks (left these home when I went on my central europe trip) I've used a whole lot more of hair conditioner than shampoo! Okay, in England I didn't have any shower gel with me, so when I shaved my legs I used hair conditioner instead of shower gel, but I didn't use it that much.

My hair smells so, so nice and it's really soft too! I only shampoo the roots and put hair conditioner only in the ends, or well I make a ponytail with my hands and then put the hair conditioner to that part of hair.
This is yesterday's eye of the day...

What's your favorite brand of hair care?