Golden Ocean

It looks like I have done nothing but try out the new eyeshadows I have. This look is done by using the Glamour Doll eyeshadows, more about them here.

I used Bare Naked, Flashdance!, MIngles and Dusk.

First I put some matte white base on the whole lid. Then I put the first eyeshadow color, MIngles, on half of the lid starting from the outer corner. Then I took Flashdance! and placed that in the inner corner of my eye and blended MIngles with Flashdance! MIngles is a very, very bright matte blue, but it blended extremely well. There's some MIngles and Flashdance! on the lower lash line as well.

At this point I took some Dusk on my brush and placed it lightly to the outer corner and a little to the crease to create depth. Very lightly. Then I took a blending brush and blended the blues, then I did some spot cleaning. After spot cleaning the blending brush I took some Bare Naked to be my highlight and blend in the blues in the outer corner a bit more. And I should've waited a little more for the blending brush to dry, because this is what Bare Naked looks when applied with a moist brush. It looks a lot more like gold. Not a bad eyeshadow color by any means, just not exactly what I was going for. I was looking for a little more matteish beige/skin color, not much shimmer at all.

Black eyeliner and black mascara as usual. :)


I had to do this look twice, because first I put on a black cream base and that just totally destroyed MIngles. It did not look good at all. A white base works 1000 times better.

What do you think?