Reveal of SPM October 2010 English Paper 1

This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B. Answer both sections. You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on Section A and one hour on Section B.

Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]

Your college besties will have their special day coming up on the following 16th & 19th of October. Write a letter to congratulate them for their birthday.

In your letter, include the following points:
  • Send them your warmest congratulations
  • Apologize because you couldn't celebrate with one of them on time
  • Preparation of their birthday present
  • At least 3 pictures
When writing your letter, you should remember to
  • Use the informal letter format
  • Use all the points given
  • Expand each of the points given
  • Write in paragraphs

Section B: Continuous Writing
[50 marks]

Write a composition of not less than 350 words on one of the following topics:

1. Justin Bieber is the cutest and best looking teen singer.
Do you agree?
2. My ideal final exam result
3. The importance of Facebook
4. Write a review beginning with:
"Kao Liese Juicy Shower and Hair Cocktail..."
5. The getaway plan on next semester break

Stay tune because I'm the only candidate ;)