P.S. I guess my reputation has been totally destroyed by this photo!
On the Black Friday's night (13/5/2011), I suddenly felt the tightening of my breathing nasal. I could only inhale and exhale through my mouth because I suffered from nasal blockage which made me difficult to breathe normally through the nose. I coughed continually and I could feel that my throat was swollen which caused a sensation of breathing difficulty on me.
Next, I started to feel extreme itching all over my body and I could see some tiny red bumps appeared on my thigh. My face and eyes began to swell up like you could see in the photo above. It totally freaked me out and I was brought to the 24-hour clinic near my house after I told my parents about it.
I knew what happened on me were the food allergy symptoms. Guess what was the culprit?
I know right! This was totally crazy! FUT-THE-WUCK ONLY GOD KNOWS THAT I'M ACTUALLY ALLERGIC TO THIS BLARDY BIRD'S SALIVA?! But the fact is the last thing I took before the symptoms occurred was drinking the bird's nest soup that my mother brewed for herself and me. The symptoms didn't happen on both my mother and me when we drank bird's nest soup in the earlier time. I never had any problems with bird's nest soup until that night.
I googled about 'bird nest allergy' just now and the allergen is actually the existence of one type of the bird proteins in the bird's nest soup. That's why I don't allergic to other foods that contain protein, such as milk, peanut, egg and seafood. I only allergic to the protein in the bird's nest soup.
Anyhow, this is my advice to those who suffer from food allergy: See a doctor or allergist immediately if you have food allergy symptoms shortly after eating. If possible, see your doctor when the allergic reaction is occurring. We cannot tell when the allergy reaction will occur until it happens spontaneously. We should take actions to prevent it to deteriorate into more severe allergy and even the risk of fatal.
The following photos were taken on the second day of the allergy and before it happened. If compare like this:
I swear I'll say NO to the bird's nest soup in the rest of my entire life :"(
I am officially prohibited from the most expensive delicacy while the other women are extravagant with spending money on it! Can anybody tell me should I feel blessed or pissed? -______-

I googled about 'bird nest allergy' just now and the allergen is actually the existence of one type of the bird proteins in the bird's nest soup. That's why I don't allergic to other foods that contain protein, such as milk, peanut, egg and seafood. I only allergic to the protein in the bird's nest soup.
Anyhow, this is my advice to those who suffer from food allergy: See a doctor or allergist immediately if you have food allergy symptoms shortly after eating. If possible, see your doctor when the allergic reaction is occurring. We cannot tell when the allergy reaction will occur until it happens spontaneously. We should take actions to prevent it to deteriorate into more severe allergy and even the risk of fatal.
The following photos were taken on the second day of the allergy and before it happened. If compare like this:
I swear I'll say NO to the bird's nest soup in the rest of my entire life :"(
I am officially prohibited from the most expensive delicacy while the other women are extravagant with spending money on it! Can anybody tell me should I feel blessed or pissed? -______-