Concealers and color theory...

I was walking in town today and, like always, stopped at a department store and the makeup section there. 
I saw some concealers, and I'm kind of looking for a new one cause the one I have isn't too good for me in the winter at least. There was a red neutralizer, or cover all red it was called there etc, and a cover all blue concealer. 

Here's the thing. I know a little about color theory and salmon/pink colored concealers work for blue/purplish undereyes. I'm right, right? And then the more skin colored, beigeish/greenish concealers cover red spots, right? Well, the cover all red was salmon colored, and the cover all blue stuff was beige/green colored. Normal?

I first just thought that the concealers were in the wrong places, that the tags have just been put wrong or so. But on the bottom of the salmon/pink concealer it really said red neutralizer, and blue neutralizer on the other one... Have I completely misunderstood color theory and what colored/toned concealer to use for different things?