I think I could still cope with my Management midterm test because I had made earlier preparations before I started my job @ home fair. Hope that I could get good result in both the exams *finger-crossed*
FYI, I have also gotten my not-so-satisfying MUET test result. 10 marks below the cut-off mark to get my desired grade - band 5. I could only blame myself for not doing well in speaking & writing part. *sigh* What is past history is history, what is done is finished, and bygones are bygones. We should move on to more important things in the future, aren't we?
Oh yeah, mentioned about my part-time job, here are some photos of my part-time job last week =)
Wondering what is a wall sticker? For instance:
When I spoke Mandarin to serve a customer, he stepped backward and cried out loud:" Aren't you korean mui?!" with a cantonese slang. His reaction really LMAO. There were also customers who gave me some questions like:"Do you come from Korea?", "Can you speak Korean language?", as we were selling Korea wall sticker.