Finally I could spare some time for my blog.I've been so busy lately, but I couldn't figure out what I have been busy with. *sigh*
I feel so annoyed with myself when I find out that I am actually in a busy-doing-nothing mode. I hate myself for being unhappy with every single thing around me, yet I can't seem to overcome it. I am pretty much dissatisfied with my current lifestyle, appearance, financial condition, school assignments and blah blah blah. Nothing in my life makes me happy, it seems like nothing is going to be good right now for me.
Well I guess I am just feeling a bit lifeless these days. I know that I will and I need to fight over these feelings and start taking positive steps to stop this unhealthy state. I should be more contented and get over the grudges against my life!
Okay, enough with pointless grumbles.
p/s: My next post will be all about food. So stay tuned, but not with your empty tummy! ;)