I've been a little overwhelmed with myself lately. Or I should say, with us.
I can see that perhaps you're having some dissatisfaction towards me, but I am really wondering what's wrong between us. I tried to figure out all the possibilities that I had ever done anything that makes you grumpy but I couldn't. I even tried to understand that maybe you're just having your PMS, but I don't think that PMS will last for so long right? FYI, I can't be held responsible for your PMS and also your mood swings, I am not the one who should. Sometimes we can have great conversation about school, friends, food and fashion with each other. However for the last whole week you have been showing a DON'T-MESS-WITH-ME face and when I tried to make conversation with you, I had been given a cold shoulder. This isn't the first time. Eventually I figured out you're just displeased with me over some trivial misunderstanding. This time I don't wish to make wild guess anymore. I wish you would come to the point or you could just confront me anytime. At least I could know the reason and stop feeling so suffocated whenever you're around. I bet you're not feeling ease too.
Frankly speaking, sometime your unintentional attitude would make me feel like :"Is it that I had done something that made her angry?" Building a friendship isn't an easy matter. My mum always reminds me that one should be broad-minded and tolerant. I am not saying that I am the easiest person to be friend with, but if we want our friendship last, we should learn how to give-and-take by forgiving and forgeting every grudges right? You're such a sweet friend if you can try to work on your temperamental attitude. (Another frank words, too!)
No offense with this post. I just want to make things clear.
If I have really done or said anything wrong, I'm sorry and I didn't mean it.